Standard Modules

This only includes models that are usable by TLC. Reals and RealTime are not covered.


Defines + - * ^ % < > <= >= as well as


The set {0, 1, ...}. Cannot be enumerated by TLC (used in a quantifier or a CHOOSE), but can be used for membership checking.


The set {a, a + 1, ..., b}.

a \div b

Floor division: 10 \div 3 = 3.


Defines everything in Naturals as well as


The set of all integers. Cannot be enumerated by TLC (used in a quantifier or a CHOOSE), but can be used for membership checking.


Negative numbers.


Required for pluscal procedures. A sequence is like a list in any other language. You write it like <<a, b, c>>, and the elements can be any other values (including other sequences). Check the related section on sequences.


The set of all sequences where the values are all elements of set. TLC has special code to check if you’re testing membership, this is not memory/cpu intensive. Cannot be enumerated by TLC (used in a quantifier or a CHOOSE), but can be used for membership checking.

<<a>>          \in Seq({a, b})
<<a, b>>       \in Seq({a, b})
<<a, b, b, a>> \in Seq({a, b})
\* in practice, the output is a set that contains all sequences made from 'a's and 'b's,
\* so it also includes the sequence <<a, a, a, a, b, a, b>> for example. That's why it's nonenumerable.

Length of seq.

Len(<<2, 4, 6>>) = 3

First element of seq.

Head(<<1, 2, 3>>) = 1

All but first element of seq.

Tail(<<1, 2, 3>>) = <<2, 3>>
seq1 \o seq2

Concatenates two sequences.

<<1>> \o <<2 , 3>> = <<1, 2, 3>>
Append(seq, e)

Append e at the end of seq. Equivalent to seq1 \o <<e>>.

Append(<<1, 2>>, 3) = <<1, 2, 3>>
SubSeq(seq, m, n)

Used to select the subsequence <<s[m], s[m+1], ... , s[n]>> in seq. Indices are inclusive. [taken from docs]

SubSeq(<<7, 8, 9>>, 1, 2) = <<7, 8>>
SelectSeq(seq, Op(_))

Sequence filter using Op.

IsEven(x) == x % 2
SelectSeq(<<1, 2, 3>>, IsEven) = <<2>>



Tests if set is not an infinite set.

IsFiniteSet({2, 5, 7}) = TRUE
IsFiniteSet(Seq({1})) = FALSE
IsFiniteSet(Nat) = FALSE

The number of elements in set.

Cardinality({2, 5, 7}) = 3


Also known as multisets. Bags are functions items to “counts” of items. IE the struct [a |-> 1, b |-> 2] is a bag. The values of a bag must be positive integers.


Tests if func is a bag.

IsABag([a |-> 3, b |-> 7]) = TRUE

Equivalent to DOMAIN bag.

BagToSet([a |-> 3, b |-> 7]) = {"a", "b"}

Equivalent to [x \in set |-> 1].

SetToBag({}) = <<>>
SetToBag({"a","b"}) = [a |-> 1, b |-> 1]
SetToBag({"a", "b", "a", "a"}) = [a |-> 1, b |-> 1]
BagIn(e, bag)

Equivalent to e \in DOMAIN bag.

BagIn("a", [a |-> 1, b |-> 1]) = TRUE
BagIn("c", [a |-> 1, b |-> 1]) = FALSE

Equivalent to <<>>.

EmptyBag = <<>>
bag1 (+) bag2

Bag addition. Creates a new bag where each key is the sum of the values of that key in each bag.

[a |-> 1, b |-> 3] (+) EmptyBag = [a |-> 1, b |-> 3]
[a |-> 1, b |-> 3] (+) [a |-> 1] = [a |-> 2, b |-> 3]
[a |-> 1, b |-> 3] (+) [c |-> 1] = [a |-> 1, b |-> 3, c |-> 1]
bag1 (-) bag2

Bad subtraction. If bag2[e] >= bag1[e], then e is dropped from the final bag’s keys.

\* Nothing changes:
[a |-> 1, b |-> 3] (-) EmptyBag = [a |-> 1, b |-> 3]
\* a is removed from the bag:
[a |-> 1, b |-> 3] (-) [a |-> 1] = [b |-> 3]
\* a is decreased by the amount of the second bag:
[a |-> 2, b |-> 3] (-) [a |-> 1] = [a |-> 1, b |-> 3]
\* c is not in the domain of the bag on the left, hence nothing changes:
[a |-> 1, b |-> 3] (-) [c |-> 1] = [a |-> 1, b |-> 3]

Equivalent to bag1 (+) bag2 (+) ..., where set = {bag1, bag2, ...}.

BagUnion({}) = <<>>
BagUnion({[a |-> 2]}) = [a |-> 2]
BagUnion({[a |-> 2], [b |-> 3]}) = [a |-> 2, b |-> 3]
B1 \sqsubseteq B2

B1 sqsubseteq B2 iff, for all e in DOMAIN B1, bag B2 has at least as many copies of e as bag B1 does. [taken from docs]

[a |-> 2, b |-> 3] \sqsubseteq [b |-> 2] = FALSE
[a |-> 2, b |-> 3] \sqsubseteq [a |-> 2, b |-> 2] = FALSE
[a |-> 2, b |-> 3] \sqsubseteq [a |-> 2, b |-> 3] = TRUE
\* it doesn't matter if B2 has "c |-> 1", because has enough copies of a and b.
[a |-> 2, b |-> 3] \sqsubseteq [a |-> 2, b |-> 3, c |-> 1] = TRUE
[a |-> 2, b |-> 3] \sqsubseteq [a |-> 5, b |-> 3, c |-> 1] = TRUE

The set of all subbags of bag.

SubBag(EmptyBag) = {<<>>}
SubBag([a |-> 2]) = {<<>>, [a |-> 1], [a |-> 2]}
BagOfAll(Op(_), bag)

If bag[e] = x, then out[Op(e)] = x. eg

b == <<1, 3, 5>>
>>> BagOfAll(LAMBDA x: x^2, b)

(1 :> 1 @@ 4 :> 3 @@ 9 :> 5)

The sum of all values in bag.

BagCardinality(EmptyBag) = 0
BagCardinality([a |-> 2]) = 2
BagCardinality([a |-> 5, b |-> 3, c |-> 1]) = 9
CopiesIn(e, bag)

If e is in bag, then bag[e], otherwise 0.

CopiesIn("a", EmptyBag) = 0
CopiesIn("a", [a |-> 5, b |-> 3]) = 5


Required for PlusCal assert. Many of the operators in TLC break core assumptions about TLA+, such as referential transparency. Use with caution!

a :> b

The function [x \in {a} |-> b].

func1 @@ func2

Function merge. If two functions share the same key, uses the value from func1 (NOT func2).


The set of all functions that act as permutations of set. eg

>>> Permutations({"a", "b"})

{[b |-> "b", a |-> "a"],
 [b |-> "a", a |-> "b"]}
SortSeq(seq, Op(_, _))

Sorts the sequence with comparator Op.


String conversion.


The current epoch time.

Print(val, out)

Prints ToString(val), and evaluates to out as an expression.


Equivalent to Print(val, TRUE).


x \in Any for any value x. Don’t use this as part of a Spec, but it’s occasionally useful for modeling properties.

Assert(bool, errmsg)

If bool is false, then terminates model checking with errmsg. Otherwise, evaluates to TRUE.


Randomly pulls an element from set. The value can be different on different runs!


Evaluates the expression v and caches the result. Can be used to speed up recursive definitions.


val can be either an integer or a string. If an integer, retrieves the value from the corresponding TLCSet. If a string, retrieves statistics from the current model run. The following strings are valid:

  • “queue”

  • “generated”

  • “distinct”

  • “duration”: number of seconds elapsed since the beginning of model checking

  • “level”: the length of the current behavior

  • “diameter”: the length of the longest global behavior

  • “stats”: all of the global stats (everything excluding “level”), as a struct.

TLCGet("level") can be used to bound an unbound model.

TLCSet(i, val)

Sets the value for TLCGet(i). i must be a positive integer. TLCSet can be called multiple times in the same step.


Each TLC worker thread carries a distinct “cache” for the values of TLCGet(i). As such, it’s generally inadvisable to use TLCSet to profile information that lasts beyond a single step.

TLCSet statements evaluated during the initial state, however, will be propagated to all workers.


AssertEq(a, b)

Equivalent to a = b, except that if a # b, it also prints the values of a and b. This does not terminate model checking!

AssertError(str, exp)

True if exp doesn’t throw an error, or if exp throws an error that exactly matches str. False otherwise.


AssertError catches the thrown error, meaning model checking will continue.


Returns the “history” of the current behavior, as a sequence of structs.


Creates a new model value with name str. Can only be used in constant definitions, as part of an ordinary assignment.

CONSTANT Threads <- {
  TLCModelValue(ToString(i)): i \in 1..3



Converts val to a JSON string. Sets and sequences are encoded as arrays, functions are encoded as objects with string keys.

>>> ToJson(1..3)

>>> ToJson([x \in 0..2 |-> x^2])


Multi-arity functions are encoded with keys that use the TLA+ tuple notation.

>>> ToJson([p, q \in BOOLEAN |-> p => q])

"{\"<<FALSE, FALSE>>\":true,
  \"<<TRUE, FALSE>>\":false,
  \* ...
JsonSerialize(absoluteFilename, value)

Exports value as a JSON object to a file.


Imports a JSON object from a file.


This module defines operators for choosing pseudo-random subsets of a set. If you use this, TLC will not check all possible states. For example, consider the spec

EXTENDS Integers, TLC, Randomization

Init ==
    /\ x = 0

Next ==
    \/ /\ x = 0
       /\ x' \in {1, 2, 3}
    \/ /\ PrintT(x)
       /\ UNCHANGED x

\* Magic magic magic
Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_x

Running this will print the numbers {0, 1, 2, 3}. If we replace {1, 2, 3} with RandomSubset(2, {1, 2, 3}), then it will only print two of those three numbers, and which two may change from run to run. This makes Randomization useful for optimization, but you need to be careful.

RandomSubset(k, S)

Returns a random size-k subset of S.

RandomSubset(1, {"a"}) = {"a"}
\* Running multiple times will yield different subsets
RandomSubset(2, {"a", "b", "c"}) = {"b", "c"}
RandomSubset(2, {"a", "b", "c"}) = {"a", "c"}
RandomSetOfSubsets(k, n, S)

Selects k random subsets of S, where each random subset has on average n elements. Since this process may result in some duplicate subsets, the operator can potentially return fewer than k subsets. This can also potentially return the empty set.

RandomSetOfSubsets(1, 1, {"a"}) = {{"a"}}

\* Each element has a 3-in-5 chance of appearing in each subset
RandomSetOfSubsets(2, 3, {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"}) = {{"a", "d", "c"}, {"a", "b", "e", "c"}}
RandomSetOfSubsets(2, 3, {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"}) = {{"a", "e"}, {"d", "e", "b", "c"}}

\* Fewer than 4 results because it generated a duplicate
RandomSetOfSubsets(4, 1, {"a", "b"}) = {{}, {"b"}, {"a", "b"}}
TestRandomSetOfSubsets(k, n, S)

Calls RandomSetOfSubsets(k, n, s) five times and returns the number of unique sets returned each time.

TestRandomSetOfSubsets(1, 1, {"a"}) = <<1, 1, 1, 1, 1>>
\* Different executions will yield different results:
TestRandomSetOfSubsets(3, 4, {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"}) = <<3, 3, 2, 2, 2>>