
I’m covering modules last because they’re not as important for organizing specs as they are for organizing code. Most specs are under 300ish lines so you can keep them all in one file with little trouble.

That said, sometimes you want to create an abstract library like LinkedLists, and some people like putting their invariants in a separate file. So here’s how to modularize your spec.


Shared TLA+ files should be in the same folder as your spec.


The toolbox has a config option (TLA+ Preferences > TLA+ Library Path Functions) for reading modules from a shared directory. Any module in this directory can be used by all your specifications.

Once you have your module, how do you import it? There’s a couple of ways:


This is what we’ve been using. Everything on the EXTENDS line is dumped into the same namespace as your file. If Sequences defines an Append operator, then EXTEND Sequences drops Append into your spec.

Unless the operator is LOCAL. If you write

LOCAL Op == "definition"

Then Op will not be imported when extended.

And that’s all there is to say about extensions! Let’s talk about the much more interesting module mechanism, instances.


This deserves a bigger header because INSTANCE is way more interesting than EXTENDS. If you write

INSTANCE Sequences

Then Sequences is dumped into the file namespace, just like before. So why would you want to use it? There’s a couple minor differences between INSTANCE and EXTENDS:

  1. You can have more than one INSTANCE line in a spec, while all your EXTENDS have to be on the same line.

  2. You can import an instance “locally” with LOCAL INSTANCE. Then the imported module is available, but imported operators won’t be transitively included another spec.

(You can see this used in Sequences.tla, which locally imports Naturals.)

And there’s also a couple of major differences.


As anybody who’s worked with Python or C++ or anything that allows unqualified imports knows, you really don’t want to dump everything into the file namespace. That gets everybody mad! You can namespace the operators in an instance like this:

Foo == INSTANCE Sequences

Namespace lookup is done with !. So instead of writing Append(seq, 1), you’d write Foo!Append(seq, 1).


Yes, you can import a module in the middle of a LET.

LET Foo == INSTANCE Sequences
IN Foo!Append(seq, 1)

In fact you can import the same module multiple times under different names:

Foo == INSTANCE Sequences
Bar == INSTANCE Sequences

Why would you want to do that? Well, it wouldn’t be useful with the standard library functions, but if your imported module has some constants… well, that’s where things get interesting.

Parameterized Modules

Here’s a new module:

---- MODULE Point ----
ASSUME X \in Int /\ Y \in Int

Repr == <<X, Y>>
Add(x, y) == <<X + x, Y + y>>

Unlike previous modules we’ve seen, this one contains constants. When we import it with WITH, we need to define what those constants are. We do it like this:

Origin == INSTANCE Point WITH X <- 0, Y <- 0

This effectively “rewrites” all of the operators in Point to use the passed in values. Now Origin!Add(x, y) == <<0 + x, 0 + y>>.


If the importing module has a constant with the same name as the child model, it will be imported by default. For example, if both modules contain a DEBUG constant, the following two are equivalent:

M == INSTANCE Module

(You can still provide your own value in the WITH as an override.)

Partial Parameterization

We can also write this:

XAxis(X) == INSTANCE Point WITH Y <- 0

Now instead of XAxis!Add(x, y), we write XAxis(v)!Add(x, y), which defines what the X constant “should be” at runtime. eg XAxis(2)!Add(x, y) == <<2 + x, 0 + y>>.


I haven’t yet converted it into a proper topic, but this article of mine covers a set of techniques where partial parameterization is useful.


  • EXTENDS will not import any operators prefixed with LOCAL.

  • INSTANCE is like EXTEND, except it can be namespaced. Namespaced operators are called with I!operator.

  • You can instantiate modules with constants and pass them in at instantiation. You can also partially instantiate a module, and pass in the remaining values when calling an operator.